Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Eggplant Lasagna

The aromas and taste of this dish reminds me of my childhhod days in Italy.  My nonna would make this dish and it was yummy.  Here is my version.  My kids love it and they are eating a vegetable without fussing.


1 large can of crushed tomatoes
1 can whole tomato
1 small can of pureed tomato 
3 gloves of garlic
1 cup of chopped mushrooms
1 cup of dished shallots
3 tbsp of olive oil
1/4 tsp salt
3 large eggplants
2 packages of unsalted crackers
1 tsp italian seasoning spices
3 eggs
1 cup of milk
1 package of ricotta
2 1/2 cups of shredded mozzarella
1/2 cup of parmigiano

Preparation of Sauce

1. In sauce pan on medium heat add olive oil, minced garlic, shallots and mushrooms.
2. Saute until mushrooms are lightly cooked approx 5-7 minutes.
3. Add crushed and whole tomatoes and smash, saute for 6-8 minutes until flavors blend.
4. Add puree tomato and bring to boil.
5. Lower heat to low and let cook with cover for 2 hours.  Stiring occassionally.  

Preparation for Breaded Eggplants

1. Slice eggplants thin 1/8 thick and set aside
2. For preparing homemade bread crumbs-Place in food processor crackers, italian seasoning and a pinch of salt and belnd until fine.
3. Prepare bowl with two beaten eggs and cup of milk and whip for one minute.  Then place another bowl along side with just made bread crumbs.  Now you are ready to bread and fry your eggplant.
4. In a large skillet cover bottom with olive oil and let heat on high heat.
5. Take slice of eggplant and dip in egg mixture making sure it is well wet and then dip into bread crumb bowl and place it hot skiller and let lightly  brown.  Once cooked place on a paper towel lined cookie sheet and allow to cool.  Do this with all your eggplant slices.

Preparation for Ricotta mixture

1. In a small bowl beat one egg, add ricotta and 1/2 cup of parmigiano and mix well.  Set aside.

Building the Lasagna-

1. Preheat oven to 375
2. In a large round casserole cover bottom with tomato sauce.
3. Layer with breaded eggplant approx 3
4. Thin layer of sauce, a few spoonfuls of riccotta and spread lightly and topped with a thin layer of mozzarella.
5. Repeat this creating 5-6 layers except the top layer just place eggplant, sauce and mozzarella.
6. Place in oven covered for 25 minutes and uncovered for 10 minutes to brown the cheese on top.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Japanese Eggplant and Red Pepper

Japanese Eggplant Saute

Our local market has a large variety of Asian vegetables.  These bright aubergine japanese eggplants called to me in the market.  Sitting close by was chinese broccoli, which I recently had at a very authentic chinese restaurant prepared similar to how I decided to prepare them.   


Two large japanese eggplants
1 large red pepper
1 clove of garlic
3 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cashew nuts
pinch of salt


1. Slice eggplant into thin rounds and set aside
2. Clean and dice up red pepper
3.  In large skillet with medium heat pour 3 tbsp olive oil and add minced garlic.
4. Add eggplant and red pepper and stir to mix flavors.
5. Allow vegetables to saute with cover on pan and cook until tender approx. 10 minutes
6. Add pinch of salt and top with unsalted cashew nuts.

Chinese broccoli is prepared the same as above.
Heat up oil and garlic and add cleaned broccoli and let steam with cover on pan for 10 minutes on med-high heat.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Zucchini Parmigiano Boats

Zucchini carved into little boats filled with a saute of leeks, cremini mushrooms and shredded zucchini sprinkled with parmigiano reggiano.


3 large zucchini
1/2 of chopped cremini mushrooms
1 leek diced
1 garlic clove minced
2 tbsp olive oil
parmigiano reggiano
marinated and roasted red peppers (jar)


1. Wash and peel zucchini.  Cut into 2 in. pieces and slice in half.  Take a small spoon and scoop out the center of the zucchini.  Saving the center for the saute filling. Place on cookie sheet and brush with olive oil and broil until lightly browned approx 8 minutes.
2. In saute pan heat up olive oil, garlic and leeks and saute for 3-4 minutes.
3. Add zucchini mixture scooped out of center and saute additional 4 minutes.
4. Add sliced mushrooms and saute until tender about 6 minutes.
5. Once saute is cooked, filling the boats can begin.
6. Lightly coat interior of zucchini boats with a dab of mayonnaise and place about 1 tsp of saute, filling the boat.
7. Top with a sprinkle of parmigiano reggiano and roasted red pepper sliver.

Serves 4-6

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Savory Butternut Cauliflower Soup


This vegetable grows plentiful here in Quebec this time of year. Used not only to decorate Halloween and Thanksgiving tables and mantels but also enjoyed like in this velvety tart and slightly sweet soup. Top with drizzled honey and chopped pecans.


1 Butternut squash
1 cauliflower bunch
1 onion
1 garlic clove minced
1 small carrot
1 small celery
1 small parsnip
4 cups of vegetable broth
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp minced ginger
1 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp honey
chopped pecans 1/4 cup


1. In a pressure cooker or large pot pour olive oil and add your chopped onion and minced garlic and saute for 2 minutes on a medium heat.
2. Add diced carrots, celery, and parsnip sauteeing until tender and golden.
3. While the above is browning you can peel and cut your butternut squash. Cut it into 2 inch cubes. Clean and cut cauliflower into small bunches and set aside.
4. Once your saute mixture is golden brown add squash and cauliflowe, stir to mix the flavors. Add 4 cups of vegetable broth, honey, turmeric and salt.
5. Close your pressure cooker or pot and let cook for 45 minutes for pressure cooker and 1 1/2 hours for regular pot.
6. Once fully cooked puree soup and serve hot in bowl and garnish with a drizzle of honey and chopped pecans.

Serves 4