Friday, August 2, 2013

Arancini and Zucchini

Arancini and Zucchini


2 cups risotto
5 cups boiling water
1/2 cup tomato sauce (my homemade recipe)
1 cup cubed sirlion or any tender steak
1 red peppers diced
1 onion diced
1 garlic minced
3 tblsp olive oil
1/2 perline fresh mozzarella balls
1/2 bread crumbs

Heat olive oil, onion and garlic in large sauce pan.  Add steak and peppers and let saute for 10 minutes. Add tomato sauce and heat for 3 minutes while stirring.  Add risotto and water acording to risotto directions. Add 1 cup water at a time and stir constantly until liquid is absorbed.  Do this until all liquid is used (5 cups) and risotto is cooked.  This can be eaten as a meal itself.
To prepare arancini heat 3 tblsp olive oil in large skillet.  Meanwhile make balls of rice with hands and place two mozzarella in center.  Then coat with bread crumbs and place in hot hot oil to brown....about 5-7 minutes.
Dip in extra tomato sauce and enjoy!