Thursday, July 18, 2013

Creamy Mushroom Chicken Burrito

Creamy Mushroom Chicken Burrito

2 cup shredded cooked chicken
1 small onion diced
1 tblsp olive oil
1 cup diced mushrooms
1/2 diced red pepper
3 tblsp cream cheese
1/2 cup mozzarella perline or fresh mozzarella
1 bunch boston butter lettuce leaves washed
dash of salt

In med heat skillet add oilive oil and saute onion mushroom and red pepper until cooked about 4 minutes.
Add shredded chicken to heat and stir to heat evenly all ingredients.
Add cream cheese and mozzarella and heat until melted.
Meanwhile heat up tortilla until lightly brown and crispy. Use a flat skillet like a crepe pan or heat in oven. The crispier the better.
Take your lettuce leaves which are small enough to fit in your hand like a little bowl..add creamy chicken in cups and place 2-3 cups inside tortilla.

Servings 4

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